
Many people will be proud of you for sharing the word of God through your teaching. In this moment, when people are in need, it is important for them to know and believe that Jesus is always there for them. Your dedication to spreading the teachings of God is truly admirable and it brings comfort and guidance to those who hear it. Keep up the good work and continue to be a source of inspiration for others. Your efforts are making a positive impact in the lives of many. ----J.N., Philippines

Thur your posts about God, you are encouraging others to know more about God. ---K.D., Philippines

I always enjoy your answers to Biblical questions because your answers are clear and detailed much like Dr. Billy Graham. ---A.M.A., Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

You are an amazing man and is entitled to the best that God has for you. ---J.P, Georgia, USA

You are the most caring, compassionate, simple, caring, trusting man I have ever known. You are the true definition of a Christian and God sent from heaven. I am thankful for knowing you.---J.A., LA, California , USA

I really enjoyed the Holly Carpenter interview.---A.M.A., Saudi Arabia

Thank you so much for caring for me the way you do. ---N.S., Kentucky, USA

I read your letter to President Trump, and you said exactly my mind. Biden is the worst President America has ever experienced. ---E.E., Southern California, USA

This is such amazing words of enlightenment to the truth. You are an anointed son. Your words are very encouraging . Thank you for the courage to build this site, and thur this you would spread the gospel of God all over the world, especially those that really need Jesus Christ in their lives. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and spreading the words of God. God bless you always. ---A.M., Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Praise the Lord, are in India preaching the gospel. --Hundi, Surroundans