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Faith in Jesus Christ is the most important issue in peoples' lives and salvation is their most important and valuable asset.
Our founder, Bro. Art Anderson has more than sixty years of bible study behind him and is recognized as a leading teacher of the scriptures.
Bro. Art's teaching will lead the lost to Christ.
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Many people who read your teaching will be proud of you. You share and the words of God which the people need in this moment. We need to know and believe that Jesus Christ is always there for us to be saved.
--J. N., Philippines
The community here is so welcoming and supportive. It feels like a second family.
It is amazing how you have helped me.
__N.S., KY, USA
The following is a summary of a News Release that has been released to various news media.
America is in trouble. That is easy to see and its problems are not solvable by its national leaders. America's problems are perhaps two fold. One we are in the last days of the "last days" as the "last days" are defined by the Bible.
What is happening in the world were foretold by Christ and the prophets centuries ago. Many years ago the prophet Ezekiel was shown todays events. He had a vision of a valley of dry bones. [Eze. 37:1-3] He was asked can these bones live? And God said, "I will cause breath to enter into you and ye shall live." Eze. 36:5.
At the time of this prophecy, the Israelites were without a homeland. However, God told Ezekiel that he would "bring you into the land of Israel." Eze. 37:12.
This prophecy was fulfilled in 1948 when the Jews was given Israel and for the first time in approximately 3,000 to 3,500 years the Jews did not have a land to call home. The reestablishment of Israel in 1948 started the beginning of the end of the ages and there are three of them: 1) the remainder of the "Church Age:" 2) the Great Tribulation; and 3) the thousand years reign of Christ. We know that the end of the "Church Age" is very near--so near that it could happen any day. Let's consider a few high points. Christ said that he Jews would be "trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." (Luke 21:24). This occurred from A.D. 70 when the Jews relocated into other nations and had no homeland until 1948. The United States has been Israel's major defender since 1948. Today we see Israel compressed by armies as foretold by Christ, Luke 21:20. Then Christ said, "this generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled." Luke 21:32. At the end of the "Church Age, Christ shall come in the clouds and the dead in Christ and the living saints shall be taken to heaven. Luke 21:27; 1st Thes. 4:16. 2) the Great Tribulation period is akin to a transgression period much akin to the time that Noah built the ark before the rain fell and the time that Lot left Sodom and Gomorrah before the fire and brimstone fell. During this time, billions of people will die from wars, starvation and diseases without any hope of salvation. And all except 144,000 will accept the "Mark of the Beast"--12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Rev. 14:1-5. 3) At the end of the Tribulation, Christ shall come to earth and establish his Kingdom for 1,000 years and the people resurrected at his coming in the clouds shall be with him and reign with him as kings and priests over the world. Rev. 5:10
From 1948 until now the United States has been a strong supporter and defender of Israel. However, this is not the end of the chapter. God promised to bless the land, saying "the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose." Isa. 35:1. Centuries prior to the prophesies, God has said to the Israelites that I will "bless them that bless thee and I will curse them that curseth thee." Gen.12:3.
The United States have been a defender of Israel since it gained statehood in 1948. However, under the Biden administration that rock solid support is fading. Little perhaps does Biden know he is fulfilling biblical prophecy--at least one hundred times the scriptures allude to "every nation" turning against Isreal. The Biden campaign has reported been offered one billion dollars conditioned upon negative attitude against Israel. The stage is being set for a whole new period of time in world history with the rising of the antichrist, a/k/a the Beast, the man of perdition.
Man's history on this earth has been designated as seven dispensations of time. The first dispensation was "innocence" the time Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden; the second dispensation was "conscience" after Adam ate the forbidden fruit and realized he had sinned; the third dispensation was "civil government" from the flood until the call of Abram; the fourth dispensation of time was the "Promise" which Abraham gave the Israelites for obeyance to God's will; the Fifth dispensations was the "Law" which God gave Moses; the Sixth dispensation of time was the "Church" or Grace which Christ provided to the whole world "whosoever believeth; and the Seventh dispensation of time will be the thousand year reign of Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Between the end of the Sixth dispensation and the beginning of the Seventh Dispensation there will be a period of great Tribulation when Satan will have complete control of the world and it will be a period of time unlike anything the world has ever seen. It will include the "Mark of the Beast," wars, starvation, uncurable diseases taking the lives of approximately one-half of the world's population in a short period of time. Those that accept the "Mark of the Beast," in order to buy or sell anything will be eternally condemned to hell without any hope whatsoever. And the whole world's population will accept the Mark except 144,000 descendants of twelve tribes of Iseral--twelve thousand from each tribe.
Just as God had Noah and his family in the Ark before the flood destroyed them, and as God had Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah before fire and brimstone rained down upon the cities, Christ will take his believers out of this world. This event is referred to as the rapture of the church and the first resurrection.
The world is subject to nuclear was at any minute which could end all life in the world, but Christ said he would not allow that to happen. All signs are pointing to major events happening very soon. People have not time to waste. It is time to repent and prepare to meet the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The consequences are unthinkable.
We have no time to waste. The time for soul saving revivals is NOW! We cannot interrupt God's will and we cannot change God's will, but we can take the gospel to the lost and warn them of the wrath of God to come soon--very soon--upon the world. The ONLY way to for the living to avoid the Great Tribulation is to know Jesus Christ as our savior and "be counted worthy to escape all of these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36
The plan of salvation is simple as God intended for it to be. Isa. 35:8. Salvation means the difference between eternal life John 3:16 and eternal death also known as the "second death." Rev. 20:14.
When God created Adam, he was created in the image and likeness of God--free of sin. However, Adam rebelled against God and disobeyed his commandment to reframe from eating the tree of fruit of knowledge. Mankind has been disobeying God's commandments ever since Adam sinned. "For all have sinned . . Rom. 3:23. .Christ came to this world to save mankind from the consequences of sin. John 3:16. "For there is none other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
Sin is the transgression of the law. 1st John 3:4. Therefore, the lost souls that have rejected the salvation that Christ paid for with his life and blood, will be judged by God's law on the Great judgment day and every deed done in life will be in God's record books--"were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Rev. 20:12. "Who will render to every man according to his deeds." Rom. 2:6.
There is absolutely no salvation in our works or deeds, contrary to many people's belief. However, Christ said much about our rewards--of good or bad--would be according to our works. Matt. 16:27. James said, "shew me thy faith without works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." James 2:18. James also said, "faith without works is dead.' James 2: 26.
When I was a child, the old time preachers preached about a "know-soul" salvation. We can know that we have salvation because of the spirit of Christ within us. "We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren." 1st John 3:14. If we do not have the spirit of Christ within us, we are none of his." Rom.8:9.
It is Christ's desire that all peoples be saved by his death and his shed blood. He said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock, and if any man will open the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with me." Rev. 3:20.
"Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2nd Cor. 6:2. "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near." Isa.55:6.
Our sins may be "red like crimson, they shall be as white as wool." Isa. 1:18.
Please seek salvation today.
Everybody knows that are are things happening here in the states and around the world that are troubling. Maybe a war with Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea, and these countries are threatening to use nuclear weapons with full knowledge that the use of such weapons would greatly reduce the world's population. The leaders of these rough countries are doing Satan's will, and Satan is the world's leading merchant of death and destruction. Satan's purpose is to kill and destroy.
What is reported in the media today and what we see happening around the world were foretold by the prophets and disciples years ago and are reported in the Bible. Many references are recorded in the Old Testament regarding modern events, and the 24th chapter of Matthew, 21st chapter of Luke. The Book of Revelation mostly addresses the events that are soon to change the course of world history forever.
In the 24th chapter of Matt, Christ told his disciples that the temple was going to be destroyed, verse 2. The disciples asked Christ a threefold question, verse 3:
1. When shall these things be?
2. What shall be the sign of thy coming? and
3. The end of the world?
These three questions and their answers cover, I believe, a period of three thousand years.
The first question addressed the destruction of the temple, which occurred about 37 years after Christ made these remarks to the disciple in 70 A.D.
The second question addresses Christ's coming again. Christ was there talking to the disciples, but they knew he was coming again--however, Christ's coming again is never mentioned in the Bible as a "second coming." The disciples knew that he was going away and that he was coming again because he had told that that he was going away and if he went away, he would come again, John 14:2. I believe the scripture supports belief that Christ has already left heaven at least three time and come to this world and is coming two more times.
The first time Christ came was when he was born. Then he apparently left and returned to heaven when he was twelve years old and told Joseph and Mary he needed to "be about his Father's business" Luke 2:49. There absolutely no history of Christ until he came "from Galilee" to be baptized by John, Matt. 3:13. After his resurrection, he forbid Mary Magdalene to touch him because he had not ascended to his Father, Mark 11:9. Later inviting Thomas to "thrust his hand" into his wounds, John 20:27. Then he spent forty days with his disciples, Acts 1:3, and was seen by more than five hundred individuals, 1st Cor. 15:16. The best historical record of Christ's childhood is the discourse of Mary published in The Lost Books of the Bible, and Mary recorded nothing beyond his meeting with the doctors, Luke 2:46, and his baptism by John, Matt. 3:13.
The third question addresses the end of the world.
In reference to the first part of the threefold question, Christ told the disciples in Matt. 24, verses 4--15, the events that would occur and instructed them what to do. When they saw Jerusalem surrounded by armies they were to flee into the mountains and take nothing with them. He also told them that they would be hated and killed. He told them that there would be false prophets that would attest that he was the Messiah, but they would deceive many.
Luke provides more exact details of the signs of the coming of Christ in the last moments of the last days. There are the "last days," which began on the day of Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, Peter said, "this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." Acts 2:16, "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh," Joel 2:28. The "last day" is mentioned twice, John 11:24 and John 12:48.
Luke records that when Jerusalem was destroyed that the Israelite would be carried captives into all the nations of the world and Jerusalem would be "trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled," Luke 21:24. The Israelite (Jews) had lost all of the Promised Land that God gave Abraham hundreds of years ago and had not had an inch of land to call home until Israel was granted statehood in 1948. When Israel was granted statehood and regained a small portion of the Promised Land, it started the countdown to the end of days and the end of the "Church Age" and the end of the world. And Christ said regarding the end of the ruling over the Israelites by the Gentiles that "this generation shall not pass until all be fulfilled." Luke 21:32.
We can know without any doubt that major changes are coming to the world very, very soon, in fact, it could happen any minute of any day.
There is much disagreement among believers regarding will Christ come for his church before the Great Tribulation (pre-trib) or after the Great Tribulation (post-trib). There are far more scriptures to support the belief that Christ will come for his church (bribe) prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Here are a few supporting scriptures of the pre-trib rapture of the church. 1) Christ said his coming would be as the days of Noah, Matt. 24:37, and the days of Lot, Luke 17:28. In both situations, the righteous were protected from the wrath of God released upon the wicked. 2) Christ said he was going away to prepare a place for the believers and then come for them, John 14:2; 3) John spoke of two separate resurrections, "And they shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." John 5:29; 4) the deceased believers shall rise first and then the believers will meet Christ in the air, 1st Thes. 4:15-17; and 5, the rest of the dead were not resurrected for a thousand years, Rev. 30:5. There is no scripture reference indicating that there will be a resurrection when Christ comes to establish his kingdom, but scriptures indicate that the resurrected believers will be with him and shall reign with him for a thousand years as kings and priest. Rev. 20:6. At the end of the thousand-year reign, the last resurrection mentioned in John 5:29 shall occur when death and hell shall deliver up the dead in them to be judged according to their works. Rev. 20:13.
During the Great Tribulation, billions of people will die from different causes according to the Book of Revelation. It will be a period of pain and suffering unlike anything the world has ever witnessed. Some believers believe that there will be great revivals and millions will be saved. I am not aware of any scripture to support this believe. First, all of the righteous believers are going to be gone and only false teachers and false preachers will be here and Paul said, "how shall they hear without a preacher, Rom. 10:14, and how can they preach unless sent, Rom. 10:15? However, Revelation says that two prophets shall come during the tribulation, but they people will kill them, Rev. 11:7-12.
The world is in trouble. We are in the last moments of time before Christ comes and gets his church and like he said, "one will be taken and one left," Luke 21:36.
There is a way to escape the wrath of God soon coming upon this world. The way to escape is to repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ. Christ gave his life on the cross so that we could escape damnation and have eternal life. John 3:16.
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Many people who read your teaching will be proud of you. You share and the words of God which the people need in this moment. We need to know and believe that Jesus Christ is always there for us to be saved.
--J. N., Philippines
The Praise the Lord, we are in India preaching the gospel in Hundus. surroundings
-- S.A., India.
I always enjoy your answers to biblical questions because your answers are clear and detailed much like Dr. Billy Graham.
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